Cornerstone Project

Marilyn, John, Sandra and Richard

invite you to an open meeting of the

Cornerstone Project

To be held at the upstairs function room at the
Barge & Barrel, Elland HX5 9HP at 7:30 pm
on Wednesday December 14th 2011

“A permanent home for temporary communities”

The purpose of the project is to establish a community based around Dance Camp North principles to provide a permanent home for temporary communities such as Dance Camp North. The community we are planning will be based around a Green Camping facility and will involve permanent and temporary homes, communal spaces, as well as space for camping, and hopefully room to host events such as Dance Camp North.
The purpose of the meeting is to present our initial planning and to gather like minded people to contribute ideas, energy, enthusiasm and support for this project and look at how we take this further.
We hope you can join us and please bring or tell anyone you think may be interested. Please let us know if you are coming, and even if you can't make it, let us know if you are interested.
Sandra, Richard, John & Marilyn

congratulations fellow students you should have your certificate by now

and it all comes back to mulch ! the question is ....

 Do you know how i would stop cats from pooping in the containers outside? I've just planted bulbs for january to march and some flippin moggy keeps on doing its business on the soil, and then digging up the bulbs.

yeah i reckon cat poo is ok for plants but i'd just put some kind of good meshing on the top of the containers or just mulch over the top of them with something like straw and that should protect them from the beasties and the mice ...

it You find some leaves or something that would be a good mulch ... something that will add cosmic energy to the soil to help your flowers grow into beauties when spring come... i'm going on a bit about this now .

basically by building a natural barrier you mimic the forests natural process by protecting the delicate bulbs while still letting through important moisture. its important not to use an impermeable membrane for mulching and if you want your bulbs to come through in the spring then you really want to use something that they can easily get through. if you use something like cardboard then it will eventually break down but it might stop your bulbs as well as the weeds you want to reduce. i think since there are lots of leaves around at the moment that leaves are a perfect solution... they should break down quite well and if they don't you can just chuck em on the compotst heap come spring. just remember where you planted them !

and some music for you all

Two Young girls from Burundi : Akazehe
Barbra Streisand : By Myself
Plux Quba : Bruma Ultramarina 2
Grouper : A light Change
Kuupuu : Kyla
White Magic : Hold your hand in the dark
Milton Nascimento : Saidas E Banderias
The United States Of America : The American Metaphysical Circus
Paavoharju : Italialaisella Laivalla
James Blackshaw : Cross
Penguin Cafe Orchestra : Pigtail
Tim Hardin : Last Sweet Moments


Permaculture Leeds Information

The Green Room: Leeds Permaculture Network Monthly Socials update See you there!
Meeting on the second Wednesday of the month, 6pm - 9pm. Every session will include talks, food to share, workshops, films, networking, project updates and announcements. The dates are: 9 November - Forest Gardens 7 December - Santa v the Green Man: Getting ready for a Green Christmas 11 January - Back yard permaculture 8 February - Seed stall and swap. Guerilla Gardening 14 March - Eco-building and retrofit New venue: Wyther Park meeting room, Floor 17, West Ridings House, 67 Albion Street, LS1 5AA. This is a great venue with an amazing view across Leeds. Bring food to share. See you there!

Surfing the waves of change

if anyone would like to post directly onto the blog its really easy 

 just send an email with everything you would like to post onto the blog to ...


Thought you might be interested to see this video on community resilience in times of rapid change.

Jonathan . 

Tree Planting in the schools

Just approached the local council environmental department asking if I could do a tree planting session with Local school  students and they said yes ! I'm Also planning a bird bomb seed making day with the kiddies all for free ! Liam is still busy constructing his benches and working with the youngsters in most need of help into employment or training being the slave driver that he is. We are now focusing on how too offer more for less by identifying the higher social returns on capital investment and we are toying with the ideas of asset based community development times are tough and it makes me appreciate what I have rather than what I want.
Scott Lancaster

No Good Will Come Of It.

During our course last week we looked at nature and natural structures to gain inspiration for our designs.
A couple of summers ago, I built this sandcastle. 
The design was based on a spiral galaxy.
Once all the sandcastles were in place I decided that each sandcastle should have a white stone on top.
It was a race against time to get it finished before the tide came and washed it all away.
As with a permaculture project, the sandcastle went through the stages of design, implementation and modification (the white stones).
The sandcastle took about two and a half hours to complete and when it was finished I had a blister on my spade hand and the tide destroyed it almost as soon as it was finished,
but the joy of creative work in the open air made it all worthwhile. 

Story, Linocut and Photograph by Jonathan Penney 

The Three Sisters Guild

An idea when you are planning your garden for next year is looking at companion planting and in particular Guilds. The most famous Guild that i learned about when i was doing my permaculture course is the Three Sisters Guild of Corn, Squash and Beans. I have been doing some reading about this guild and i'll copy and paste a little as some people have already written so much about this already and i can't really put it across any better than they already have !

Plant first the corn in the centre and then the Beans ring the corn, and squash is planted at the edges. The corn stalks create a natural trellis for the beans to climb, while the beans fix nitrogen in the soil, which nourishes the corn. The leaves of the squash vines ramble around the mound, preventing the spread of weeds and providing shade for the shallow roots of the corn. The symbiotic interaction of the three plants allow them to produce more food using less water and fertilizer.

With my friend Rachael's garden in mind i thought this might be a good way to go to create a more sustainable permaculture ecosystem. With the increased groundcover of the squash it will reduce weeding and make the garden a little more self sufficient.

have a look at this blog senda verde its got an amazing description of how its done properly !
the Permaculture Happens blog is also really interesting as its another alternative look at the idea permaculture happens blog

i found this diagram to show how to lay out the plants when you are planting in spring.

plant the corn first and let it grow waist high before planting the beans then plant the squash too. magic ! would advise looking into it a little and not just going by my description but its a good start for you and anyone who knows of any other guilds then i'd be very interested to hear of any that work well in Rossendales heavy soil !

happy autumn gardening.


I know it sounds like a really cool name for a brass band gig ! Actually Brassica is a group of edible vegetables that includes Broccoli, Kale , Cabbage , Brussel Sprouts, Cauliflower, Swedes, Turnips, Cress, Kohlrabi, Mustard, and Bok Choi.

i have never heard of Kohlrabi (German Turnip) so if anyone has some seeds then please let them be shared around Rossendale ! 

after last weeks seed saving brassicas seem like a fitting follow up as a lot of them are flowering and going to seed at the moment so we should all be saving the seed and stashing it for next year and why not plant some of them now for your winter crop ! 

i found this amazing post with tonnes of information so much more than what i found out today from phil at offshoots. 

i was wondering as i cut these little collars for the cabbage seedlings why on earth i was doing it and i thought it was maybe to protect from slugs snails and creepy eaters. but in fact those collars around the stems cut in cardboard are to protect from cabbage root fly that i assume affects most of the brassica family. planting out brassicas also requires a little bit of thinking, the soil should be firm not loose you can use a plank to get a evenly distributed firmness throughout the soil if you just stomp around with your feet then it will just do damage!

planting brassicas requires a little bit of love and planning you need to think about how big your cabbage will grow and if its kale its going to take up less space. you plant the greenery to just below the lower leaves so quite deep in the ground not flapping around a lot it just means that then it is more stable in the soil...

if you fancy learning lots more about planting and caring for brassicas then have a look at the in depth link just above and that will probably answer all your questions !!!

brassicas are cool and brass bands love the many health benefits of this wonderful family of vegetables! vitamins, minerals and antioxidants these amazing super foods are both yummy and also protect against cancer, strokes, heart disease and even help your eye sight !!! 

good news all round i think 

Got another event planned for the weekend

As if im making bird boxes, playing giant jenga and throwing a whelly competion for work.

Scott Lancaster
Greenheart Project Assistant

Groundwork Lancashire West & Wigan

Tel: 01942 821 444
Fax: 01942 820 347

Groundwork Lancashire West & Wigan, 74- 80 Hallgate, Wigan, WN1 1HP

Hobbit House

 All these images are from the simondale website (link below) amazing. its getting me so inspired i want to build my own house out of mud !

simondale hobbit house in wales

That round house

cae mabon