Permaculture Leeds Information

The Green Room: Leeds Permaculture Network Monthly Socials update See you there!
Meeting on the second Wednesday of the month, 6pm - 9pm. Every session will include talks, food to share, workshops, films, networking, project updates and announcements. The dates are: 9 November - Forest Gardens 7 December - Santa v the Green Man: Getting ready for a Green Christmas 11 January - Back yard permaculture 8 February - Seed stall and swap. Guerilla Gardening 14 March - Eco-building and retrofit New venue: Wyther Park meeting room, Floor 17, West Ridings House, 67 Albion Street, LS1 5AA. This is a great venue with an amazing view across Leeds. Bring food to share. See you there!

Surfing the waves of change

if anyone would like to post directly onto the blog its really easy 

 just send an email with everything you would like to post onto the blog to ...


Thought you might be interested to see this video on community resilience in times of rapid change.

Jonathan . 

Tree Planting in the schools

Just approached the local council environmental department asking if I could do a tree planting session with Local school  students and they said yes ! I'm Also planning a bird bomb seed making day with the kiddies all for free ! Liam is still busy constructing his benches and working with the youngsters in most need of help into employment or training being the slave driver that he is. We are now focusing on how too offer more for less by identifying the higher social returns on capital investment and we are toying with the ideas of asset based community development times are tough and it makes me appreciate what I have rather than what I want.
Scott Lancaster

No Good Will Come Of It.

During our course last week we looked at nature and natural structures to gain inspiration for our designs.
A couple of summers ago, I built this sandcastle. 
The design was based on a spiral galaxy.
Once all the sandcastles were in place I decided that each sandcastle should have a white stone on top.
It was a race against time to get it finished before the tide came and washed it all away.
As with a permaculture project, the sandcastle went through the stages of design, implementation and modification (the white stones).
The sandcastle took about two and a half hours to complete and when it was finished I had a blister on my spade hand and the tide destroyed it almost as soon as it was finished,
but the joy of creative work in the open air made it all worthwhile. 

Story, Linocut and Photograph by Jonathan Penney