Cornerstone Project

Marilyn, John, Sandra and Richard

invite you to an open meeting of the

Cornerstone Project

To be held at the upstairs function room at the
Barge & Barrel, Elland HX5 9HP at 7:30 pm
on Wednesday December 14th 2011

“A permanent home for temporary communities”

The purpose of the project is to establish a community based around Dance Camp North principles to provide a permanent home for temporary communities such as Dance Camp North. The community we are planning will be based around a Green Camping facility and will involve permanent and temporary homes, communal spaces, as well as space for camping, and hopefully room to host events such as Dance Camp North.
The purpose of the meeting is to present our initial planning and to gather like minded people to contribute ideas, energy, enthusiasm and support for this project and look at how we take this further.
We hope you can join us and please bring or tell anyone you think may be interested. Please let us know if you are coming, and even if you can't make it, let us know if you are interested.
Sandra, Richard, John & Marilyn

congratulations fellow students you should have your certificate by now

and it all comes back to mulch ! the question is ....

 Do you know how i would stop cats from pooping in the containers outside? I've just planted bulbs for january to march and some flippin moggy keeps on doing its business on the soil, and then digging up the bulbs.

yeah i reckon cat poo is ok for plants but i'd just put some kind of good meshing on the top of the containers or just mulch over the top of them with something like straw and that should protect them from the beasties and the mice ...

it You find some leaves or something that would be a good mulch ... something that will add cosmic energy to the soil to help your flowers grow into beauties when spring come... i'm going on a bit about this now .

basically by building a natural barrier you mimic the forests natural process by protecting the delicate bulbs while still letting through important moisture. its important not to use an impermeable membrane for mulching and if you want your bulbs to come through in the spring then you really want to use something that they can easily get through. if you use something like cardboard then it will eventually break down but it might stop your bulbs as well as the weeds you want to reduce. i think since there are lots of leaves around at the moment that leaves are a perfect solution... they should break down quite well and if they don't you can just chuck em on the compotst heap come spring. just remember where you planted them !

and some music for you all

Two Young girls from Burundi : Akazehe
Barbra Streisand : By Myself
Plux Quba : Bruma Ultramarina 2
Grouper : A light Change
Kuupuu : Kyla
White Magic : Hold your hand in the dark
Milton Nascimento : Saidas E Banderias
The United States Of America : The American Metaphysical Circus
Paavoharju : Italialaisella Laivalla
James Blackshaw : Cross
Penguin Cafe Orchestra : Pigtail
Tim Hardin : Last Sweet Moments